One of the most frustrating challenges of gardening is translating the sowing times that you find on the back of seed packets into a effective and efficient plan for what to actually plant when, to get the best yield and the most varied and tasty diet.
The way seed companies present their information is to typically give you will a wide range of possible varieties, dates and harvest periods and then to leave it up to you to decide from the infinite number of permutations and combinations. Over my years of gardening I've become increasing dissatisfied by the resulting complexity and often poor results.
There have been two main responses to the challenge:
The first option really doesn't work for anyone who wants to be self-sufficient and doesn't provide enough guidance on how to be successful. The second option is a lot of work and doesn't take into consideration the different growing rates and yields at different times of year.
So I think we need another way.
Reality rapidly gets in the way of the way of the "plant anytime between March and September" approach to gardening for the following reasons:
Recently I've taken the first tentative steps towards a new way of simplifying this mess.