I'm trying something new with my diary. Rather than just publish it on this website, I'm also going to record a new weekly video, called "The gardening week'. This diary, will be the show notes for the video.
My objective for today was to clear the last of the early winter carrots, replant with cauliflowers. Clear the red polytunnel lettuce and replant with green garlic and plant the last batch of spring cabbages. Tidy the chard and deal with caterpillars
I’ve found out that my sore throat has developed into Tonsillitis, so I’ve been taking it easy, reading, writing, walking and swimming. I did however work my way around the kitchen garden and weeded and removed all of the dead/dying leaves. It looks fairly tidy now:
The big news of the day though is that my granddaughter started crawling today and I got it on video :-)
Willow crawling
Yakon and Oca boxed up for members
Paths with their new woodchip
My electric bike arrived! Brilliant, allows me to go further and keep my heartbeats in zone 2
Cycled the full length of our coastal path and back in one go, took 90 minutes, its usually a day trip with multiple stops!