Why grow purslane?

Purslane and more specifically golden purslane (rather than green) is a delight of summer. Considered a weed in some countries, where it grows on poor soil, with little water, it's transformed when commercial varieties are properly cultivated. It's usually rated as the top salad 'green' in our mixes from July until September. It's not hardy, so it's best planted after the last frost date, but we like it too much to wait for that so we grow it under-cover.


It's also extremely healthy, the stems have loads of vitamin C and A and the leaves have lots of Omega 3 oils.

It is however not as prolific as traditional salad greens, so you need to grow a lot more of it than lettuce.

How many to plant?

Golden purslane starts off giving a small harvest in early summer, which picks up quite considerably as the weather warms. We generally work on about 10 plants per person if you just want to use it as a garnish, but if you like it you could easily get through the harvest from 20 plants per person, which translates to 0.5m2/person.

When to sow purslane


Following my usual system, I will grow a first early crop in large hanging baskets in my polytunnel, then a second early crop in a cold-frame, followed by a main-crop outside and finally a late crop back in polytunnel hanging baskets again.

I sow these successions as follows:

  1. First early hanging baskets, sown early April and planted out in May
  2. Second early in a cold-frame, sown mid April and planted out in late May/early June depending on when space comes free
  3. Main-crop sown in early May and planted out in June
  4. Late crop sown in July and planted out in August

In theory you can keep harvesting the same plants continuously from June to September, but I find they get exhausted after about eight harvests and the quality declines.

How to sow purslane

There are three options for sowing purslane:

  1. Sow direct
  2. Sow in a plant pot and prick out into a module tray when the seedlings are small, see the video above