I'm trying something new with my diary. Rather than just publish it on this website, I'm also going to record a new weekly video, called "The gardening week'. This diary, will be the show notes for the video. I'm also publishing the audio from the video as a podcast, again with this page as the show notes for the podcast.



Sunday delivered a beautiful sunrise as I walked to the gym and after a good sauna and steam I stopped off at Caffe Nero and worked on my allotment plans. I'm excited by my new plans for 2022 and planning is how I made them happen!


The rest of the day was a bit grim though, I was exhausted from all of heavy lifting on Saturday as we worked together fixing various problems on the allotment site. So I just relaxed, planned and had my COVID booster.


I was feeling pretty rough after my COVID booster, so I scrapped my normal routine of looking after Willow and stayed home.

Debbie and I eventually went for a walk on the beach and the rest of the day was spent making videos and reading.


Still not feeling great, but I made it to the allotment after a couple of hours at Caffe Nero. I was meant to be walking with friends, but we'd all had our booster shot and note of us was feeling up to the challenge.

On the allotment I focused on tidying up after the storm.



Feeling worse and concluded that I probably had a cold, rather than just a reaction to the booster. Not feeling well at all and a bad productive cough.

Went to Caffe Nero, but spent the rest of the day at home. Fortunately I had a Ask Me Anything video to record, so I did that and I was amazed at how long it took me to answer the questions, there were some tricky ones.


Still rough, but managed to get back to the allotment and work through a dozen off jobs. The most important was to get the coldframe lids on over the carrot beds. This stops the carrots freezing too often, but it also means that as I finish harvesting a bed I can quickly get it replanted.