
My usual morning routine now is to cycle the country lanes for an hour or two before gardening

My usual morning routine now is to cycle the country lanes for an hour or two before gardening

Started to clear the polytunnel ready for the summer crops, 1/4 of it per week now until mid May

Started to clear the polytunnel ready for the summer crops, 1/4 of it per week now until mid May

Also clearing outdoor beds ready for brassicas

Also clearing outdoor beds ready for brassicas

Clearing brassicas (PSB) to make way for Beetroot and Peppers

Clearing brassicas (PSB) to make way for Beetroot and Peppers

Old PSB bed warming up ready for peppers

Old PSB bed warming up ready for peppers

Also planted the early dwarf and climbing French beans in the polytunnel

Also planted the early dwarf and climbing French beans in the polytunnel


Long cycle ride this morning, followed by a seed sowing and seedling re-arranging afternoon.

I love riding through farmland

I love riding through farmland

I don’t much like sowing seeds, so I’m pleased to finish the seed sowing for April, the busiest month of the year. Next month is much more relaxed!

Lots of sowing today

Lots of sowing today

Also planted the last of the summer peas

Three successions of peas, growing well between their strings

Three successions of peas, growing well between their strings

Second harvest of the early cucumbers

Second harvest of the early cucumbers


Cycling the fields for an hour this morning,  I love to watch the farms change each week

Cycling the fields for an hour this morning, I love to watch the farms change each week

Lots of planting today

Lots of planting today